Tuesday, 01 May 2007

And So Our Journey Begins!

Finally! We're on top of the Magaliesberg. Thought we'd never get here. We planned to set off early today, but as usual, things just never work out exactly how you plan it, and with good reason of coarse. We left home at about 10am, but I just couldn't get everything into my backpack, to tell the truth, I still can't, so I guess I'm going to have to leave some things behind as I go along. Anyway, my sister was going to drop us of en-route to her son's rugby match, and we ended up going with her. I'm the godmother, so only natural that I attend! We had a good day, and very well done to the 1st team of Rustenburg Primary, they played a fantastic game! Hard to believe they're only 13, they played like pros!

Okay boys, hope you appreciate the support, 'cause Tashy dropped us off at the foot of the mountain, just after 4pm. and we still had to make headway, find a camping spot, for there wasn't enough day light remaining to make it far. We were lucky once again, because not far from where she dropped us off, lived Maria's aunt, Tina, who wasn't at home, but once we said we were heading in the general direction, made her way back, so that we could sleep warmly, instead of camping. Bless aunty Tina, you're fantastic!

Our first steps along the Magalies, was fabulous, because just the fact that we finally made it, was huge, but having the city of Pretoria at your feet, is a sight to behold. It's rocky terrain, which makes it a little difficult, unless of course you keep on the track. I saw a snake! Nearly stepped on it, mind you! It wasn't too big, black, and quick to get out of my way.

The packs are extremely heavy, and I swear it, I don't know how. We haven't packed nearly as much as for the Drakensberg, and yet, it feels like a ton or two on my back. I have hand luggage too, the necessities like camera, chargers, cell phones, and quite a bit more. Somebody please! To all you backpacking gurus out there, can you offer any advice on how to make life a little more bearable? I know that we're supposed to learn from experience, but keep in mind, we carry dog food, and we plan to walk for a considerable time.

Check out Maria's site for more at http://www.mariag4g.blogspot.com