Wednesday, 06 June 2007


JACK & ABRAHAM: Two very kind gentlemen who got us some fresh water. Their bosses Phillip and Idah didn't want to have their pictures taken (I wonder why)

Contrary to the perfect day I had yesterday, my night wasn’t as peaceful. I don’t know whether it was because I’ve been sleeping too comfortably in the last week, or what, but I woke up in agony, every 30mins after 11pm.
My back was killing me, but it was all worth it, to lay there, with the sound of the rain lulling me right back to sleep. I could hear the baboons close by and made a conscious decision not to get scared, but to rather conceive them as our protectors, watching over us as we sleep. Think not, but could very well be, right?
We woke up early, but it was raining and misty outside, so I went back to sleeping. Maria was wondering around, but came back swiftly when she noticed that we were still surrounded by our friends, the baboons. Funny really.
At around 10am we heard a vehicle pull up into the driveway, and were ecstatic, because we still haven’t found any water, and were down to the last drop. Aren’t we silly girls, with all that water pouring down from the heavens above, and we never thought to collect any of that? Anyways, it was guys working in the Nature Reserve, and they were here to fix the electricity which was faulty at the camp site.
The one guy Jack was quite a character, and he was happy to help out with water. He sends Abraham, one of the guys that were with him, to fetch us some water from their offices, or somewhere. He suggested we stay put, because the weather had not cleared, and it was pretty cold out.
We were keen to move ahead as soon as possible, as the next camp site wasn’t too far, so if we ran into trouble with the weather, we’d be fine. Plans changed though, because Jack’s boss, Phillip came by, and he wasn’t a pleased man at all. He was fuming, because we had our dogs accompany us. Still a strange phenomenon to me, how all animals could be in a nature reserve, except dogs? It’s a pity that they’re kept from their natural habitat, just because we humans decided that they should be our pets.
Dante and Katryn are used to the wilderness, and have quite an amazing way with the rest of the animal kingdom. Usually, everything goes, except rats, those they have an insane desire to eliminate. In general however, they’re good dogs, and come when we call them, and are very well behaved. It’s like they understand what’s expected of them, and when.
Try and tell that to this ranger. He was adamant that we vacate the premises, and the Park. We packed up our bags, and escorted him back to their offices, where we spoke with the manager, Idah Mathe. She said that without permission, we weren’t allowed in the park with our dogs, and that we had to phone her on Monday, to start proceedings.
They were kind enough to give us a lift to the gate of the Park, where my brother fetched us, and brought us back home. Now we have to figure out where or how we are going to continue. We are a bit taken aback by what has happened, but we can always come back once we’ve reached our end destination, to complete our hike, provided we get permission of course.
It’s too late now to do much about anything, so we’re back to the drawing board, and will thus commence tomorrow. Never think you’ve got it all covered hey? Seems there’s always something you forgot to do. In our case, most definitely so.

I must say, sitting here, right now, with the wind howling around the house, I'm kinda glad we're not out there. It might've been nasty.
Good day, till tomorrow