Tuesday, 05 June 2007



Today was a day for beautiful surprises, and of the most spectacular scenery anyone can ask for. According to the weather forecast, we’re supposed to expect rain, and very cold conditions, but thus far, it’s been gorgeous.
We hiked from Hunters Rest Hotel today, and it was very reasonable, as we hiked along a paved road most of the way to the top. There was a lookout halfway up, and we sat there for a while, energizing and enjoying the sights. We hiked along, and found some road workers, busy renovating a little bridge. We had about 2lt water left, and they pointed us in the general direction of the next fountain.
We hiked along, and I found myself thinking a couple of times, what a magnificent day! It was almost magical, and so many wild animals everywhere. We hiked for a little longer, when we stumbled across the most exquisite camping huts. Were it not for a parking sign we saw at the side of road, we would have never found it.
It looked like something out of a fairy tale. These two huts were nestled underneath a canopy of trees, and each had the shape of a tortoise. There were wooden steps leading up towards these huts, and a sheltered dining area, a boma in which to make fire, firewood, shower and the traditional outhouse. The doors to the huts were open, and inside there was only 6 mattresses. We put our bags down and walked around for a bit. It was so mystical, made me feel like I was 6 all over again. The dogs were in awe of our find, and they were obviously taken in by the amazing energy that surrounded us.
This place was called the Avon More Camp, and there was a sign that said Explorer Camp, heading in a different direction. We also found a plaque that said Rustenburg Nature Reserve on it, and so, we had an idea of where we were. The clouds were drawing closer, but still, the day remained glorious. Just as it was about to get dark, a troop of baboons came down to the stream to drink water. At first I thought we were trespassing on their territory, as you could see all sorts of evidence that they played here not so long ago. They seemed curious, and instead of leaving, they made a semi-circle around the camp site. I think they sat there all through the night, because you could hear them close by.
We were a bit scared but saw that they didn’t mean any harm, maybe they also just needed shelter from the storm that was about to rage. We went inside anyhow, closed the door and unpacked, had a light supper, and I got stuck in my thoughts, scribbled down some notes, and listened to music as I drifted off to sleep. I could hear the thunder even though the music was loud, and the lightning danced all around, quite spectacular I might say.
Sweet, sweet dreams…