Monday, 04 June 2007


Since we came down off the mountain, on the 21st, so much had happened that resulted in a sad occasion, as we had to postpone our event on the 26th, thus having more admin than we dreamed possible.
One good thing was that I got to see my brother Jac, who was visiting from Wales. Fantastic, because for the first time in a long while, our family was complete, everyone safe and sound, and home!
We got to do almost all that was needed, and had some time to interact with friends, family, and new acquaintances. It was all good, but I must admit, getting back to the task at hand, like finally completing our hike, was becoming a pressing factor. We had a few obligations which needed our attention though, and some personal matters that needed resolving, so we had to bite the bullet, and wait.
Now we are back on track, and way behind schedule, so we’re going to try and do the last bit in good time, without missing a thing of course. The next stretch is about 150kms in distance, but we measured the distance on Google Earth, which only measures in a straight line, so give or take 150kms.
It is the most beautiful stretch however, and should be pretty exciting. We will try our best to update our blogs every day, all depending on how often we get to recharge batteries, etc.
We will announce the new date for the launch of Go 4 Good, in the next couple of days, and should you wish to learn more, visit for the latest updates.