Tuesday, 08 May 2007


DAY 8:

We woke up a little later than usual, knowing that we were getting some more supplies to continue on our journey. We are running behind on our blogging, but, there seems to be technical problems on Vodacom’s side again, and we can do nothing about it, other than wait another 24hrs.
We spent a long while wondering around the Resort, enjoying the tranquility, and the dogs went crazy after the monkeys. Animals are so much in sync with each other, that I am sometimes awe inspired. People seemed to have lost their ability to sync. Everybody is always in such competition with each other, it’s mad! A comment we seem to hear daily, one I heard just now in fact, is that nobody can stick together anymore, or that good people doesn’t exist. I do believe however, that we’re all on the same quest, and regardless how powerful or inadequate you might regard yourself to be, each individual’s purpose, be it big or small, is necessary in accordance to the bigger picture. I might also add, that if people could experience humankind the way that we do, experience kindness and abundance, people who give without expecting anything in return, they’d see that we’re not at all so far removed being humane.
We met Martie, who is a unique lady indeed. She made us a cup of coffee, when that’s exactly what we needed, and then I spent a while on the deck, pounding away on the desktop, doing some catching up.
The 26th is just around the corner, and we still have so much that needs to be done before then. A little awkward considering we’re hiking around in the mountains, and do not always have access to communication. It’s an amazing feeling when everything you’ve worked towards is finally being realized, and I hope we could do such a mission justice.
It was a fabulous day spent at Karel’s Resort, and thank you guys, for taking some time off to interact, and especially for spoiling us rotten.
I thought to pack in the morning, as we had no idea what time we’d pick up our supplies before we continued. I spent the rest of the evening catching up on emails, and afterwards, I was soaking in the tub for at least an hour – super fantastic! Oooh those little luxuries…
I finally went to bed around 12pm, and slept like a baby.