Sunday, 25 January 2009


We were supposed to meet a friend, Andre, at the Scandinaviadrift Bridge around lunchtime, and according to some, it was almost 17kms along the river. We had an early start, and started paddling like animals. The river once again changed a bit, and we met some people fishing on the banks, but eventually all I could think was to paddle and not feel, or think. We had a head wind, which was slightly bothersome, and very few rapids, which made for intensive paddling.

Eventually, I asked everyone we came across, how far it still was towards this bridge, and the first group said 2kms, the second person said 8, and the third said 2. Confusing if you ask me and never ask anyone who hasn't actually paddled the distance, how far it is. Anyhow, it turned out to be all of the above, so the third was spot on.It was the happiest face, to see Liesi and Andre waiting on the banks, just before the bridge. I still had another 500m to go, but it felt like I couldn't bridge the gap. It is always brilliant to see old friends.

We sat for hours catching up, we almost forgot about dinner. We had a barbeque and for us there was the most delicious butterfish, salads, sweet potato and garlic bread. It has been a long time since I ate so much, but the food was so good, I had to go back for more.
Liesi helped Maria set up camp, as we were going to camp on the riverbank. There was going to be a party with the band M2 performing tonight, but since I have never heard of this band, and we were having a good time on our own, we decided to enjoy each others company until it was time for bed. This was a truly magical evening.