Monday, 07 December 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Monday, 08 June 2009
- The world's ocean: Generates most of the oxygen we breathe
- Helps feed us
- Regulates our climate
- Cleans the water we drink
- Offers us a pharmacopoeia of potential medicines
- Provides limitless inspiration!
Yet for too long, human society has taken the world's ocean for granted.
Now we can give back! Take part in World Oceans Day events and activities this year and help protect our ocean for the future!
It's up to each one of us to help ensure that our ocean is protected and conserved for future generations. World Oceans Day allows us to:
Learn - discover the wealth of diverse and beautiful ocean creatures and habitats, how our daily actions affect them, and how we are all interconnected.
Change our ways - we are all connected to the ocean! By taking care of your backyard, you are acting as a caretaker of our ocean. Making small modifications to your everyday habits will greatly benefit our blue planet.
Celebrate - whether you live inland or on the coast we are all connected to the ocean; take the time to think about how the ocean affects you, and how you affect the ocean, and then organize or participate in activities that celebrate our world ocean.
Wednesday, 03 June 2009
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Spent a night at the Orkney Golf Club after a grueling hot day on the river. We suffered against serious head winds earlier in the day, but the water was beautifully calm in the late afternoon. This part of the Vaal offers a variety of water activities and is especially great for kayak enthusiasts.
It was an absolute treat, and we spent the weekend hanging out, reviving our aching bodies and having a good time, thanks to Petro and her stunning family.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Liesi helped Maria set up camp, as we were going to camp on the riverbank. There was going to be a party with the band M2 performing tonight, but since I have never heard of this band, and we were having a good time on our own, we decided to enjoy each others company until it was time for bed. This was a truly magical evening.
I was sad to leave, as they were a wonderful inspiration, and very easy to get along with. We headed out a bit late, and had our first weir to jump. This one was fairly high, and once we considered all the warnings about drowning, we transported our kayaks safely to the other side, and tried like hell to break free from the hyacinths and get back in the main stream. The rest of the way, we had continuous rapids, but nothing serious. The only trick was not to get stuck on the rocks, of which there are many.
A breeze was making ripples in the water, and it soon picked up into a rather strong head wind. I had to put my everything behind each stroke, or else the wind would get the better of me. Most of all, I had to prevent turning sideways when a vicious gust came rushing through, because it would surely tip the boat over. I was getting hungry and Katryn asked nicely to be grounded for a bit, so I suggested we find a place to stop for lunch. We saw some people at a house on the right hand side, and called out to them, to ask where we were allowed to stop, and they suggested we get out right there and take our time, till we are ready to get back on the water. Joyce even offered to make us some coffee. It was magic, to be sure.
After about 30mins, we were back on the water. Smittie, your seat is lovely, but my ass was starting to hurt. Ag, it's all good, I'll just shift positions every so often, even though that didn't help much. I kept to my right, because the wind seemed less fierce closer to the banks. I am continued to be amazed by the bustling activity in the water and on the banks. The lizards are rather big, and we saw one walking Hyacinths. It was such a kodac moment, but due to poor and wet conditions on the raft, I missed it...
At around 4am, I was getting tired, although the colors and reflections on the water were so beautiful, it was a pleasure to paddle some more. We were on the lookout for a place on the left hand side of the river, called Eerstegeluk, and we were to recognize it by the wooden deck built amongst some eucalyptus trees. It was 6.30pm when we finally found it. We've only paddled 11kms today, but it sure felt like 50 to me.
Eerstegeluk is the most idyllic little place next to the river, rustic and somewhat primitive with a romantic feel to it. Love it!!! Francious had suggested this place, and said he would make arrangement for us to sleep over, so we could literally just unpack when we get there. I was so hungry and tired; I almost didn't spend time to appreciate my surroundings. I made a quick pasta and pesto, which tasted like heaven to the hungry.
Too tired to do anything, but we had a quick wash, coffee, and off to bed. Sweet, sweet dreams and I hope that tomorrow is as beautiful as today was. Thank you everyone for a beautiful adventure....
A very nice surprise when Christo joined us for dinner at the Tea room. I had such a good time. Francious and Leane were the perfect hosts, and made a phenomenal feast for dinner. We had good wine, and exceptional company. Christo Meyer entertained us with stories of times gone by, of Venterskroon back in the day, of ghosts that walk here, and so many more fascinating stories. It is rare to find someone who knows so much about the community he lives in, and who actually cares enough to make a constant contribution towards making it possible for others to enjoy its wonders.
We were exchanging ghost stories until we all went our separate ways. Francious and Leane invited us for a quick coffee at their place before we walked home. Walking home was quite the experience. We had to walk by the old hotel, which is supposedly haunted, because a lot of killing took place here, executions, etc. Dante walked in front and Katryn behind us, all the way home, like two little angels, keeping the evil at bay.
I think they also had a fabulous time, because Francious' Boerbull, Sheila and Dante took a liking to each other. Odd combination, but cute as ever! Katryn was growling for a long time, sitting underneath the table, wanting to attack any dog that came close. Their Jack Russel, Seun, tried desperately to get Katryn's attention, but it was only towards the end of our evening that she warmed up to him a little.
The minute we got back, I hit the sack!!!
Thank you so much guys for a wonderful, wonderful time spent here...
Saturday, 24 January 2009
It was getting late when we saw some familiar spots, indicating that we have reached Venterskroon. We got out at the Coetzee's property who didn't mind our intrusion. We unloaded the kayaks and Rika offered to take us to the house we were supposed to stay tonight. Francious from Dome Adventures weren't quite expecting us today, he thought we had passed days ago, but he sorted us out in a flash anyway. We were two chiki's tired and sunburnt, so a long hot bath, dinner and bed pretty much summed up our evening.