Wednesday, 08 October 2008


We were supposed to go to Christo's Guest Farm to stay for a night or two, when we stopped off at Legends for a quick breakfast. Nothing quick about this breakfast, let me tell you. Firstly, before we could actually enter said restaurant, we were stopped by numerous people, enquiring about our journey. It was rather delightful to say the least.
A bunch of girls who rode into town on their Harley Davidsons, invited us for a drink, a "Jam Jar", which is quite potent on an empty stomach.

We also met the Vlok family who sat oppisite us, and before we knew it, we only got a bite to eat at lunch time, the company was so phenominal.
Pieter from Hadeda Creek, who is also friends with the Vloks arrived a bit later, with his mate Johan. The afternoon just got better, and it was such a pity when we had to go our seperate ways. Leonard offered to give us a lift to Kopjeskraal Guest Lodge.
The Vlok's are such an exceptional family, warm, spontaneous, easy to get on with. I surely hope to see them again...