Thursday, 15 January 2009


We were packed and ready to go quite early for a change, but the camp was in a state of slumber. Pieter was nowhere to be found, and we had to settle the bill, so we waited. At around 10, Maria went to wake him up. Eventually, he opened the bar, and we stocked up on some cold drinks and ice. Pieter suggested we all have a "regmaker" which resulted in us sitting at the bar until well after 2pm. It was so nice; we almost decided to stay over again, because we had met some really cool people. Everybody started arriving for the girl's birthday party, and the mood was picking up from the laying low of before. Fresh souls were moving into the campsite. Pieter and Annemarie Knox were amongst them, and it was especially these two who made it difficult for me to leave. Lovely people.

We thought that even if we just paddled for an hour, at least we'd be moving, so we continued, said our good-bye's and got back into the water.
I got a bit drenched in some little rapids, where the water just spilled into my boat, but other than that, the water was amazing. We cruised on for about an hour or two, before we found a very nice spot to camp on the right hand side. We had to carry our gear for a bit, and hoped that our canoes would still be there when we needed them again in the morning.

Christo Meyer found us along the riverbank, because we had contacted him about the piece of land we were on, to find out whom it belonged to, and if it would be cool if we camped here. It was nice to see him, but he didn't stay long, just chatted for a while, and commented on the time it has taken us to get to this point. I could see how this could be so funny, because it has taken us 4 days to get here, which is at most a 2 day trip. We're not in a hurry however, and I'm more scared of missing anything, than getting to Bloemhof in record time.
We had a quick dinner, and an early night.